Jobs relaunched in same conditions as initially.
relaunchExistingInvocationCarboseqworkflow(invocation_id, server, api_key)
relaunch_refused Boolean Not in situation to relaunch. For example more than one job of type CarboSeqSplit, more than one job of type CarboSeqUnsplit, some job not being remappable...
job_relaunched_ids Ids list of relaunched jobs.
job_ids Ids list of all jobs
job_states States of each job
job_remaps job_remap value of each job for which job_build_for_rerun has been done
Relaunch jobs according to following order/conditions.
Identify the invocation jobs.
Expected : N (unknown) jobs of type CarboSeqSimulator, 1 max job of type CarboSeqSplit, 1 max job of type CarboSeqUnsplit.
Study the job of type CarboSeqSplit, then together jobs of type CarboSeqSimulator, then the job of type CarboSeqUnsplit.
If job of type CarboSeqSplit relaunched, then no job relaunched in types CarboSeqSimulator, CarboSeqUnsplit. If at least one job of type CarboSeqSimulator relaunched, then job of type CarboSeqUnsplit not relaunched.
A job may be relaunched if in a terminal state other than 'ok'.