Loop waiting for a list of datasets to be ready : refresh list of data information, with a 'delay' between 2 requests. Stop as soon as 'total_end' is TRUE or at the end of 'duration_max'.
waitAllSimsResults(env, dataset_collection_info, delay, duration_max)
dataset_collection_info Refreshed dataset collection information, total_end Boolean (end for all contained datasets), all_data_ready Boolean (all contained datasets ready), data_state_list List of state of collection datasets
It is possible to set the survey step between 2 requests ('delay') and the survey total duration ('duration_max').
Possible returned situations at the end of survey :
'total_end' TRUE, 'all_data_ready' TRUE : End of process and all data ready to be downloaded.
'total_end' TRUE, 'all_data_ready' FALSE : End of process but at least one data not ready (will never be ready).
'total_end' FALSE, 'all_data_ready' FALSE : Process still running (not finished). In that case you can call 'waitAllSimsResults' again to continue survey.